Vidigami will be at the Partners in Mission 2024.
Vidigami will be at the Finalsite University 2024 for Independent Schools.
Vidigami is presenting at the Veracross CONNECT on June 18th.
Vidigami is proud to join Partners in Mission as a strategic partner.
Vidigami will be at the ATLIS Annual Conference this year in Reno, NV. Please drop by Table 38 to see us if you plan to be there!
Vidigami, a pioneer in secure community photo management proudly announces that we are 9ine certified under their new Vendor Recognition Programme. 9ine is a leading data protection and cybersecurity consultancy
Vidigami and Powerpoint is the FASTEST way to make incredible slideshows and presentations.
We are so excited to announce our new Canva integration that is available to you now.
A quick way to increase uploads to Vidigami is by sharing a Media Request Link (MRL).