Designed for sharing
& collaborating.

Vidigami Features Sharing Slideshow icons, copy link, facebook, twitter, email, and embed.

Easy to collect photos.

Use the Media Request Link to crowdsource photos – in one click – directly into the Album you want.

Easy to share photos.

Photos are automatically shared via the Feed to everyone with access.

Easy to curate photos.

Collaborate to curate your best stories via collections.

Easy to publish photos.

Share public collections on your website, on digital signage or in your social channels.

Easy to manage user permissions.

Control who should have access and how much access.

Easy to engage your community.

You establish the rules of engagement and let Vidigami handle the rest!

Vidigami App on a Mobile Device

Vidigami Features. Software platform designed for schools. Gallery view and multiple years in a dropdown menu.

Designed for Schools.

Vidigami is organized to reflect your school – the departments, the programs, and how content is captured throughout the year by your members.

Your story. Your brand.

Customization options to match your organization’s branding.

Flexible from year to year.

Easily replicated site, each year.

Tag and search.

At upload, all content is automatically tagged by year, page, and album, enabling it to be easily searchable.

Face tagging.

Activate AI-enabled facial recognition or simply tag by selecting name from dropdown list of registered members.


Add keywords to enhance searchability.


Keep track of your community engagement.

Engineered to respect data privacy and content ownership.

Vidigami Features Privacy preferences, no public release, gallery with images with flags on the bottom right corner.

Access management.

Choose who has access to what content. 

Consent management.

Users provide consent to shared content.

Responsibility & respect.

Every user may give and withhold consent to every image by using the Report Media feature, immediately removing the image from view.

Content rights.

Give credit or protect images from replication using copyright and watermarks.

Storage & data processing.

 Vidigami services are hosted by AWS data centers located in Australia and Canada – designated to upload adequate data privacy per GDPR.


Certified by 9ine for our Data Privacy & Protection Excellence and Information & Cybersecurity Proficiency.

Vidigami Features. Software platform designed for schools. Gallery view for multiples images of the same student from first day of school as a child to graduating as a young adult.

Built to preserve memories.

Vidigami allows users to create living media archives to keep their stories active and their community engaged.

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