Celebrate your School’s Core Values with Monthly Themes

Two challenges that many schools face are motivating teachers to take and share photos (especially in middle and high school), and demonstrating the school’s values and mission in action.

Create ten themes, one for each month of the year, that align with your mission and/or values. Some examples are:

  • Stewardship
  • Imagination
  • Caring
  • Belonging
  • Creativity
  • Cooperation
  • Respect
  • Courage
  • Teamwork
  • Challenges
  • Communication
  • Sportsmanship
  • Curiosity

Create a Container (folder) with the month and value such as September – Teamwork. Share this with your teachers and ask them to upload photos during the month that demonstrate this value.

Here are two tips:

  • Involve students in this activity, too. For younger students, share with them the value, and what it means. Ask them to point out when they see this value in action. Older students have a “photo-taking device” available to grab and use to take photos. (This can be an iPad, an older phone, or any tablet.) Once a week, the teacher can upload the photos taken on the device to Vidigami.
  • Offer prizes to teachers (such as gift cards, recess duty coverage, etc.) for different categories during the month. Some examples: most creative, best example of the value, cross grades, most interesting, etc.