
Graduation is often the time of year when more photos are taken at a school than at any other time. Photos from a professional photographer of graduates walking into and out of the venue, receiving their diploma while shaking hands with the head of school, are great memories.

However, the best photos are often taken by parents and students. These are not staged or formal. They are the real smiles and hugs happening before and after the ceremony.

Creating an easy way for parents and students to share and access photos taken during graduation will save time for staff at the school and will allow families to have access to so many more photos. 

Using Vidigami you can create a Graduation Page to store all of these photos. Start by grabbing a Media Request Link (MRL) of the Page. Create a QR code of the MRL. Paste these codes around the graduation venue(s).

Students and parents taking photos can click on the QR code and quickly and easily upload their photos to the Graduation Page. After graduation, the MRL can be “turned off” at any time so no additional photos can be added. 

Next, grab a Share Link of the Graduation Page. Clicking on the Share Link, everyone will be able to see all the photos that have been uploaded in real time.

Add the Share Link to the Graduation Program. Years later this Share Link will continue to allow access to all the great graduation memories!